Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Secured Loans Could Help With Debt Consolidation

Secured loans are loans that are only available to homeowners. To be eligible for a secured loan you have to have equity in your property. Equity is the difference from your mortgage balance and your property value. The differnce in between is how much you can borrow.

Secured loans are one of the ways a homeowner can borrow cheaply. This is due to secured loans a low APR, usually lower than unsecured loans. This is due to the secured loan lender having a charge on your property and in this way the lender has more confidence in getting their money back.

Secured loans can be used for almost any legal puropse. Many have used a secured loan for debt consolidation which can be a massive saving every month and exspecially if you are taking out a debt consolidation loan to pay credit card debts as with credit cards many of us only pay the minimum payment every month and by doing this we are really only paying the interest and not getting the balance any lower. By paying the minimum payment it will take years and years to pay off the credt cards as thay are known for their very high interest rates. However by taking out a secured loan for debt consolidation the interest rate will be much lower and at the end of the period you will be debt free. A secured loan to clear credit cards can save massive amounts of money every month. Some people have saved thousands and thousands of pounds.

Anyone that is thinking very seriuosly about taking out a secured loan for debt consolidation should really consider a secured loan. This is ideal if you have high balances on credit cards. If you have loans that have not long too long to run until they are paid off or maybe at a good rate they should not be consolidated as the only way to save a good amount of money is by taking out a secured loan over a longer period of time. Although this is not always the case as some homeimprovemnt loans can be very expensive but if you are looking at debt consolidation to clear other loans you should make sure that you are saving a lot in the long run.

Secured loans have to be agreed with all members who are on the mortgage, ie. your partner and any other parties have to sign for a secured loan and be made aware of a secured loan and a secured loan therefore should benefit all parties who own the property.

Secured loans are usually taken out between five years to twenty five years although you can usually pay them back at any time with a small penality. This should be on the loan agreement or on the terms and conditions.

Some homeowners prefer to remortgage their property to raise extra funds as the interest rates with a mortgage are usually the lowest available, but sometimes a secured loan would be better. As many peoples circumstances might have changed since getting their current mortgage or some might be tied in for a certain amount of time and have penalities to come out of their current mortgage deals or some might be happy with their lender and not want to switch lender. Others might not want to ask theie current mortgage lender for extrafunds.

Secured loans are very popular and before the recession the underwriting was much slacker.Therefore being able to get a secured loan with little or no equity and unlimited adverse credit has all changed but there are signs of some improvement in the secured loans industry but it will take a long long time for the secured loan market gets back to the way things were that is if they ever come back.

Secured loans are available to employed, self employed and retired and there are still secured loan lenders lending to self employed applicants with limited proof or no proof. Secured loan lenders that lend to self employed applicants might ask to prove your income and this can be done by bank statements, accountants reference, your company letter head or business card. All these things will be accepted. Some secured loan lenders will like to see you trading for over twelve months but there are some secured loan lenders that will lend if you have been trading less than this.

A secured loan really should be considered.

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